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Choir photo May 7 2023.jpeg

Music at Good Shepherd

Quality of Music used in Worship is one of the most distinguishing features of Good Shepherd. For many years, the parish has devoted significant time, energy and resources to build an exceptional music program. Music is a powerful tool of connection. It affords intimate interactions that can create and strengthen bonds of love, drawing us nearer to God and to one another. It elicits strong reactions and deep attachments. It can also focus our spiritual faculties on things unseen, allowing us to experience something of what we hope for in eternity: to join the heavenly choirs of angels and saints in one unending song.


The music presented at each service, both instrumental and choral, is thus consistently respectful and inspirational — an essential part of our worship. The parish choir performs a vast repertoire of sacred music ranging from the Renaissance to the present day with special emphasis on expanding performances of pieces by women composers, black composers, and other marginalized groups. Among our parishioners are several respected members of Greater Boston's professional music community, and those individuals, from time to time, share their musical gifts to enrich our worship services and social events. The people of Good Shepherd have long treasured and invested in music, and the parish continues to be blessed by accomplished artists who delight to offer their best to God.


“Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord all the whole earth.” — Psalm 96:1

Parish Choir

The Good Shepherd Parish Choir is a small, well balanced, and carefully trained ensemble dedicated to supporting our worship through hymns, anthems, plainsong and Anglican chant, and other service music. Composed of both professional and volunteer singers, the Choir leads congregational singing and offers anthems and other choral works on Sundays and holy days from September through June. Deeply rooted in Anglican choral traditions, our repertoire covers an ever widening geographical, temporal, and stylistic span, with a particular recent focus on composers from under-represented communities. We give our best to ministering to one another as well as the wider Good Shepherd community, striving to cultivate a culture of welcome and belonging.


Regular Service and Rehearsal Times: The choir typically sings at the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Sung Eucharist each week (except during late June, July and August), as well as at evening services on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Eve, and Christmas Eve. Other services such as Choral Evensong and Benediction are scheduled as occasions arise. Rehearsals begin at 8:30 a.m. each Sunday, with rare special rehearsals.


We welcome new members who have basic music reading skills and the desire to work cooperatively within this disciplined choral group. We are always excited to hear from professional and volunteer singers and instrumentalists who might want to be a part of what we do: please contact Jamie Apgar, Organist & Choirmaster at:

Repertoire List

Click the link below to access a list of choral repertoire for the current season.

Sample Video

Sample Video

The Organ at Good Shepherd

Maker: Peter Collins, 1994

Mechanical action:
Lower Manual (I)
II Sesquialtera

2’ Doublette
4’ Flute
8’ Gedact

Upper Manual (II)

2’ Fifteenth

4’ Principal (façade)

8’ Dulciana

8’ Chimney Flute

16’ Subbass



Zimbelstern (toe stud; added May 2008, Allen J. Hill)

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1671 Beacon St. Waban, MA 02468

Copyright © 2023 Parish of the Good Shepherd, all rights reserved.

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