Adult Forum
Adult Forum gathers on Sunday mornings at 11:45am in the Loring Room (and on ZOOM). Enjoy Coffee Hour refreshments following the 10:00am service then join in the Loring Room for lecture, study, and discussion. Currently, we are studying and discussing Becoming Beloved Community, which guides The Episcopal Church’s work toward racial reconciliation, healing and justice.
Bible Study is offered weekly on Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30pm (year-round). We meet on ZOOM and study the lectionary readings assigned for the upcoming Sunday’s liturgy. We also devote time to prayer during each session. Because we meet on ZOOM, one can participate from anywhere in the world! Please feel free to invite family and friends wherever they may be. The link for Bible Study is shared in the Parish’s weekly email newsletter on Fridays.
Current Bible Study Questions:
BIBLE STUDY SERIES, YEAR B Proper 18-Last Pentecost
BIBLE STUDY SERIES, Year C Advent I-Last Epiphany 2024-2025