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About Us

Parish of the Good Shepherd

The Parish of the Good Shepherd was founded in 1896 and has served the people of Waban, Newton, and Greater Boston for over 125 years. Affectionately known as "the High Church of the western Suburbs," Good Shepherd preserves a style of worship that exudes much of the excellence and transcendence of music and liturgy in the Anglican tradition. Good Shepherd is a church that values excellent music, preaching, Christian Education, and outreach. Whoever you are in life, and wherever you are in your spiritual journey, we welcome you to be a part of all that the Good Shepherd has to offer.

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Our services may be considered more traditional and ceremonial than many denominations, yet we claim both Catholic and Protestant worship traditions and seek in all we do to worship God in "the beauty of holiness." All baptized Christians regardless of denomination may receive Holy Communion — the body and blood of Jesus, given for the salvation of the whole world.

Worship is at the center of our community at The Parish of the Good Shepherd. Our time together gives us an opportunity to praise and encounter God and our community through the Bread and Wine of one Holy Communion. The atmosphere of our worship is reverent. We celebrate the sacraments of the Church with care and devotion. Worshipers of all ages participate from the pews and the sanctuary. Our preaching is intelligent and practical, inspired by the Bible and our everyday struggles. Our music draws on the best of the classical tradition and is led by accomplished professional and amateur musicians. The service often begins with a procession from back of the church up to the altar, led by the cross accompanied by lit candles. The people carrying the cross and candles we call "acolytes." There are readings from the Hebrew Bible, the Epistles, and the Gospel. The Gospel is read from the nave by an ordained member of the clergy, to symbolize the word of God coming to the people. Following the readings, we have a rich tradition of excellent sermons that tie in the words of the Bible with our lives today. Throughout the year, the Parish of the Good Shepherd follows both The Liturgical Calendar and The Revised Common Lectionary. Our services use The Book of Common Prayer and The Hymnal 1982 and The New Revised Standard Vesion (1989) Bible.

As an Episcopal Church

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1671 Beacon St. Waban, MA 02468

Copyright © 2023 Parish of the Good Shepherd, all rights reserved.

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